Minggu, 17 Mei 2015

Bandung Tourism

Sate House (Gedung Sate), with his trademark ornamentation skewers on a central tower, has long been a marker or landmark Bandung is not only known to the public in West Java, Indonesia but also throughout the building was used as a model even a sign to some buildings and signs of in West Java. For example, the shape of the building front Tasikmalaya Railway Station. Built in 1920, the white building is still standing strong, elegant, and now serves as the seat of government buildings in West Java.
This architect designed buildings Ir J. Berger of Landsgeboundienst, development agencies and government buildings of the Netherlands. It takes energy to 2,000 workers. Among the thousands of workers, there are approximately 150 Chinese Konghu or Canton, carpenters and skilled stone carvers in the country. Dutch architect, Dr. Hendrik Petrus Berlage, said that along with the design of complex Sate House Office Centre Netherlands Indies Civil Administration Agency in London is a masterpiece. While Coor Passchier and Jan Wittenberg, two Dutch architects inventory of colonial buildings in London, called Sate House as a stunning elegant monumental buildings, and has a unique architectural style, and gigantic. Sate of the building itself is actually only a small part, or approximately 5% of the "Central Office Complex Insatansi Civil Government" Dutch East Indies occupying the North London area of 27,000 square meters. By residents of the past "Gedong Sate" named "Gedong Bebe" the then more popular with the "Satay House" because of the spire of the building there is a "skewer" with 6 water guava fruit-shaped ornaments. Sunday Special in Satay House lawn environment be an option where most people to relax, just sit around enjoying the fresh air or light exercise Bandung city. Comparing with the Sate House seat of government buildings (capitol building) in many of the nation's capital does not seem excessive. The equation is all built in the middle of a green complex with a magnificent central tower. Especially in terms of building layout and landscaping satay relatively similar to the White House in Washington, DC, United States. Can be said Sate Building is the "White House" was the city of Bandung.

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